
Find all your Apave contacts in Korea / 아파브 코리아 사업 및 연락처

Apave Korea was launched in Feb 2023 through the merger of ABS Consulting, an inspection division (TIV) within the ABS Group, a subsidiary of the American Bureau of Shipping. ABS Consulting's Korean branch was established in Korea in 1971 and has provided risk assessment and inspection certification services in the fields of oil refining, chemicals, power generation, buildings, and infrastructure for about 50 years. As part of the Apave Group now, we continue to perform our role in evaluating and supporting international technical standards for quality, safety, health and environment. Apave Korea provides various services under 3 main categories:

  • Technical Inspection and Certification
  • Risk assessment and Process Hazard analysis
  • Asset Integrity Management


아파브 코리아는 미국선급협회 자회사인 ABS 그룹 내 검사 사업부(TIV)인 ABS 컨설팅의 합병을 통해 2023년 2월에 출범했습니다. ABS컨설팅 한국지사는 1971년 한국에 설립되어 약 50년간 정유, 화학, 발전, 빌딩, 인프라 분야에서 위험성 평가 및 검사 인증 서비스를 제공해 왔습니다. 현재는 아파브 그룹의 일원으로서 품질, 안전, 보건 및 환경에 대한 국제 기술 표준을 평가하고 지원하는 역할을 지속적으로 수행하고 있습니다. 아파브코리아는 크게 3가지 카테고리로 다양한 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다:


  • 기술 검사 및 인증
  • 위험성 평가 및 공정 위험 분석
  • 자산 무결성 관리



Map of Korea
Map of Korea

Apave Korea

6F, 434 Samseong-Ro, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul - 06178 Korea 

+82 2 552 4661 


How to find us


facilities and equipment

In an increasingly complex and demanding market, it is crucial to make use of inspection experts to ensure the success of your project, guaranteeing quality, safety and regulatory compliance. Apave offers a wide range of independent third-party inspection, accreditation inspection and manufacturer certification services, as well as supervision and technical consultancy. Our expertise in regulations and standards ensures that our work is of the highest quality. Trust our expertise to ensure the success of your projects.


Construct and renovate safely

  • Source inspection
  • Expediting Services
  • Project inspection and certification
  • Regulatory technical inspection
  • Technical due diligence
  • ASME inspection services (including nuclear)
  • In-service inspections and Plant Inspections
  • Shut-down Inspection services
  • Integrity assessment of civil and steel building structures (advanced and conventional NDT)
  • Direct assessments (ICDA/ECDA) of pipelines (onshore and offshore)


Checking the quality and design of equipment and materials

  • Certification of pressure equipment (ASME, PED, MOM, MHLW, DOSH, etc.)
  • Welding inspections: EN 10203 Type 3.2 (steel products)
  • Remote inspection
  • Inspections of underwater equipment
  • Inspection of lifting equipment (cranes, forklifts, etc.)
  • Certification and verification of the technical design of structures and buildings
  • Inspection of scaffolding
  • Inspection and certification of earthmoving equipment and other excavating machinery
  • Factory acceptance tests (FAT)


Factory production control certifications

  • BCA BC1 for steel mills (structural steel; steel plates/tubes/forms/piles)


Controlling and supervising facilities

  • Site supervision support
  • Offshore Certification Authority (CA) / Certification Verification Agent (CVA): Fixed platforms and pipelines
  • PED services
  • Inspection / certification of equipment for IECEx / ATEX hazardous areas


your teams

Apave offers a variety of training courses to help your company meet regulatory requirements and enhance the skills of your staff.

We offer ASME training in the interpretation of the RCC series of codes, as well as training in process safety and management systems.

Our specialist teams also offer safety culture improvement programmes and on-site training to assess and train your operators and technical staff in the safe use of various construction tools.

Finally, we offer training for scaffolders on different types of towers. Apave is here to help you increase your skills and ensure the safety of your projects and the competitiveness of your company.

  • ASME training
  • Training in the use of site machinery and equipment (cranes, forklifts, aerial work platforms, remote-controlled robotic arms, scissor lifts, drilling rigs, boom cranes, mobile elevating work platforms, excavators, loaders, graders, bulldozers, steamrollers).
  • Training scaffolders for different types of towers (permanent, mobile, tubes and accessories, ready-to-use towers, aluminium towers).
  • Other safety training (welder, maintenance, etc.)

Build, operate and renovate

in complete safety

Apave provides qualified experts to help you optimise your processes and ensure the quality of your projects. Whether through risk analysis and audits, FEED engineering, asset integrity management, or ISO/API certifications, our teams are at your side at all stages of your projects, providing tailor-made technical support to ensure safety, quality and reliability.


Identify, assess and reduce the risks to your business:

  • Asset integrity management
  • HAZID, HAZOP, FMEA, QRA, BRA, CA and F&G mapping expertise
  • Technical design verification
  • Safety assessments and audits
  • Process risk analysis
  • Fatigue analysis and life extension assessments for offshore structures
  • FEED engineering
  • Project quality management
  • Supplier evaluation and audit / Supplier quality assurance
  • Reliability-based maintenance - Reliability engineering - Maintenance programme optimisation assessments - Maintenance strategy development
  • Risk Based Inspection (RBI)


Tailor-made consulting services:

  • Design assessment
  • Advice and auditing to achieve ISO certification
  • Client representation


Provision of qualified technical personnel:

  • Provision of qualified technical inspectors (welding, coating, QA/QC, API, E&I, civil, material inspectors, etc.)

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