A man carrying out atmospheric controls

Carry out environmental sampling

Control your environmental impact and make human safety the focus of your strategy to improve your performance and increase your social commitment. 


Over the past few years, we have all witnessed growing awareness of corporate social responsibility, frequently underpinned by new legal or regulatory constraints. Economic activity, in any business sector, has an environmental impact. Companies, by virtue of their operation, have an impact on the external environment, in particular by using natural resources, creating waste associated with the activity, the effect on soils and staff working conditions.


The protection of ecosystems must therefore be a priority for all stakeholders to ensure the safety of people, implementing more virtuous measures such as recycling and the circular economy to give the greatest possible protection to nature. 


Your key

  • Detect and prevent environmental risks
  • Keep people safe
  • Improve the performance of your organisation while ensuring the safety of people and the environment

The complete Apave offer
to respond to your challenges

Apave teams support you throughout your projects, protecting your employees and the environment by carrying out:

  • surveys
  • sampling
  • analyses
  • tests
  • measurements
  • support to operate an ICPE (installation classified for protection of the environment) requiring declaration, registration or authorisation
  • technical support to develop and roll-out your low-carbon strategy

You are a Manager, Company Director, Human Resources Director or Quality, Safety and Environment Manager in the private or public sector

Your challenge is to know and control the impact of your activity on your environment and to protect your employees against chemical risks, noise, electromagnetic fields and lighting.

Apave has developed a wide range of support services to respond to your challenges and inform your strategic decision-making, while ensuring your compliance

You are Technical Director/Manager or Quality Director/Manager of an ICPE classified site

Apave experts will support you, particularly to:

  • Train you or your teams to master the technical and regulatory basics of the environment in an ICPE company
  • Train your or your teams to incorporate ICPE regulatory constraints in your industrial project
  • Train you or your teams in ICPE boiler room regulations
  • Train you or your teams in regulations regarding water discharges and atmospheric emissions
  • Ensure preparation of the ICPE declaration file that must be sent to the regional Prefect 
  • Ensure preparation of the ICPE authorisation file
  • Soil pollution: conduct a study, provide technical and inspection support (Apave is an LNE-certified design office, fields A and D, for its design services), support and inspection relating to polluted sites and soils, in accordance with the service certification guidelines for contractors in the field of polluted sites and soils (more information on www.lne.fr).
  • Carry out atmospheric emissions and water discharge checks
  • Carry out the periodic inspection of ICPEs
  • Noise (environment, projected acoustics, building) and vibration measurements to protect surrounding populations from noise pollution

Property diagnostics

Apave Diagnostics operates through branches throughout France. Located close to major conurbations, our diagnosticians work diligently and respectfully throughout the French departments.

Why choose




Independent third party body working for an even safer industry. Apave experts advise you and provide bespoke response appropriate to your challenges. Recognised for its knowledge of risk management for 150 years, Apave supports its customers in a shared progress approach, for a safer and more sustainable world.


The skills of our field teams. Knowledge of technical and environmental regulations. Drawing on our experience, we work on a daily basis on developments related to the operation of your activities, so that you can maintain the highest safety level for your facilities and organisations.


Provide a response targeting industrial efficiency and process digitisation. For each of your projects, a local multidisciplinary team is made available to give thorough consideration to all the impacts related to risk management. Our satisfaction is in bringing you a high level of technical know-how by guaranteeing the best project management while considering the background, your objectives and all your constraints.

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Our experts are available worldwide.

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